What is Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge?

The Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge is a maritime hackathon – a kind of productive professional conference over 5 days where agile methods from the start-up and software sector are used to develop tangible solutions to specific challenges from the maritime economy, society and ocean research.

Who is organizing the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge?

The Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge is a joint project initiated by TransMarTech SH GmbH in cooperation with a diverse network of partners.

Who are this year’s partners of the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge?

The Kieler Wirtschaftsförderung (KiWi) GmbH, the IHK Schleswig-Holstein, the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany, the Kiel University of Applied Sciences, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Institute.

When does the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge 2024 start?

Every year in the 3rd week of September. 2024 on September 16 until September 20. The final event is the Pitch Day on September 21, 2024.

What does the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge have to do with the UN Ocean Decade?

If not now, when! The Decade of the Oceans began in 2021 – at least one reason to continue to work on (technological) solutions for the many challenges facing the protection of our coasts and oceans and to tackle them together! That is why we are also an award-winning UN Decade Project.

What is the goal of the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge?

Knowledge transfer, networking between stakeholders from the maritime industry, society and science with the aim of (further) developing sustainable and economic solutions for the re-vitalization of the seas.

In 2022, the special feature was to develop model technological and digital solutions for the Smart KielRegion in and around Kiel, which in turn can be transferred to other regions.

Unfortunately, we had to take a break in 2023.

2024 Companies and start-ups work on challenges from scientific transfer projects and develop data-based business models.

Who can participate in the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge?

Any entrepreneur, scientist or private person who (wants to) use their technical and methodological expertise for coastal and marine protection and develop (wants to) concrete concepts and prototypes. Different experts are required depending on the challenge. Take a look at the challenges right now! :-)

ATTENTION: Participation is associated with costs for participants from companies. Further information can be found in the registration form.

Where do I register as a participant?

Registration is via the registration form on our website from mid-June until the end of August.

Should I register as a team or as an individual?

You can register as an individual and as a team (max. 3 people).

Is there a fee for participating in the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge?

If you register as an employee of a company, you will incur participation fees!
All prices are net prices plus 19% VAT. The price includes catering and on-site mentoring for all 6 days.
– Per person from sponsoring company (500 euros)
– Individual Company (800 Euro)
– 2. member of a team of 3 from the same company (600 euros)
– 3. member of a team of 3 from the same company (500 euros)
– Individual TMT partner company (free of charge)
– 2. member of a team of 3 TMT partner companies (640 Euro incl. discount)
– 3. member of a team of 3 TMT partner companies (package price 1,350 euros incl. discount)
– Student (free of charge)
– Doctoral candidates (free of charge)
– Trainee (free of charge)
– Research institute employee (free of charge)

Employees from SH can apply for educational leave up to 6 weeks before the start of the hackathon.

SPECIAL – Wild Card Challenge 2x
free tickets for
Start-up teams of 3 people worth 4,500 euros each for participation in the ORCC 3x
Team places for maritime companies of 3 people with their own challenges > 1,500 euros plus VAT. – Ticket price includes mentoring and catering per challenge team – outside the competition!

TMT partner companies have a challenge free!

The Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge is a hackathon – what kind of format is that?

The Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge is a cross-regional hackathon on coastal and marine conservation. For those who are not yet familiar with the format of a hackathon: it is something like a productive technical conference. That is, it is not only snapped, but also made. During the event, participants work in interdisciplinary teams on concrete tasks and develop innovative solution concepts. These can be both software and hardware based, or circumscribe service concepts (and everything in between). So there is a lot of freedom for development and design.

General definition: A hackathon (word creation from “hack” and “marathon”) is a collaborative software and hardware development event. Alternative names include “Hack Day,” “Hackfest,” and “codefest.” The goal of a hackathon is to jointly produce useful, creative or entertaining software products within the duration of this event or, more generally, to find solutions to given problems. At software hackathons, participants typically come from different areas of the software or hardware industry and often work on their projects in cross-functional teams. Hackathons always have a specific theme or are technology-related.

I’ve never been to a hackathon, now what?

Try it! The people are super friendly and no, you don’t have to be an expert to participate. We have a lot of consultants on board who are responsible for supporting you.

How does a hackathon work & how does the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge work?

The hackathon will take place in Kiel from 16.9.-21.9.2024 and via the communication platform Rocket.Chat. After registering on our website, interdisciplinary teams are put together to work independently for one week (5 days) on a specific challenge. The teams are supported by mentors with professional and technical know-how. In principle, quite a few interested participants come together to work on relevant marine topics together. There will be a great introduction to how we work together, a kick-off event with exciting guests, and then all the participants* will get going and strive to find solutions to various challenges in coastal & marine conservation. In the end, all solutions will be uploaded to a platform and the best ideas will be awarded prizes by a jury, which will then be further supported and developed in a booster program starting in October.

We start with presentations on the topic of the hackathon. Afterwards, the teams are formed. These form in a self-organized way according to interest and skills and are ideally cross-functional, i.e. People with different skills work together.

After the teams have formed, the actual work phase takes place.

The “Make Days” and “Hack Days” are from Monday to Friday. The final day, where the results are presented (pitched) & awarded, is the “Pitch Day” on Saturday.

Is the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge nationwide?

The hackathon takes place regionally in Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein; nationwide participation is possible on site. For suitable accommodations please contact us.

What is a challenge?

A challenge is a specific issue related to coastal and marine protection. This provides the framework for the interdisciplinary teams to prototype, develop software or hardware-based solutions or concepts with the goal of creating value and advancing coastal and marine conservation over the next year.

How can I submit a challenge?

You can submit your challenge to the hackathon organization team by the end of June by sending an email to info@transmartech.sh. It is important to formulate a concrete question, add a small descriptive text. We will send you details of the criteria on request.

Which topics should the challenges touch upon?

Challenges should address the following topics:

#1 blue. digital

#2 blue.goods

#3 blue.safety

#4 blue.clean

How much time do I have to spend during the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge?

In principle, you can work on your project every day for as long as you like. When you work in a team and who can invest how much time for the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge is best discussed in your teams. We are here for you every day from 09:00 to 18:00. You can check in together with us in the morning and check out again in the evening. During this time slot, mentors from various fields will also be available to provide you with advice and support. But you can also take part if you only have 3 – 4 hours a day, every help counts. To be recognized as educational leave, you must be present the entire time.