/// How does the jury evaluate? ///


The solutions and prototypes are reviewed and checked for user orientation.


The concept and prototype are tested for technological maturity. Additionally the potential scalability, with respect to the market, is evaluated.


The compatibility of environmental sustainability and economic efficiency is assessed.


Based on the criteria and the expertise of the jury members, the pitch-videos and concept-sketches are finally evaluated.

/// What personalities and what expertise are on the jury? ///

Dr. Johannes Ripken Member of the Jury ORCC 2022

“After being a member of the jury last year for the big
I am delighted to have been able to experience the diversity of ideas at this hackathon
look forward to new, exciting ideas and
projects. And on the fact that I with my feedback and
the DiWiSH network can support the projects. for
an innovative, sustainable coastal and marine protection!”

I am head of the Schleswig-Holstein Digital Economy Cluster(DiWiSH), push the digital transformation of the economy and society and I am an expert regarding networks and networking.

Stefan Stengel Member of the Jury ORCC 2022

“The ORCC makes an important contribution to fostering the culture of innovation in Schleswig-Holstein. Maritime innovations will permanently change our lives and the oceans for the better. I am curious about the projects to be developed at ORCC22. As a jury member, I’m honored to be involved in selecting the best prototypes.”

I’ve founded several StartUPs and initiated the accelerating programme “SpeedUp! Europe” for the European Union. Together with the Lübeck Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the TZL I am the Co-Founder of the StartUP Accelerator GATEWAY49 in Lübeck. In the meantime, 39 teams have been accompanied in four batches. I am a board member of DiWiSH and head of the ICT & Digitization Working Group of the Lübeck Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as the initiator of Barcamp Lübeck.

Dr. Kirsten Mikkelsen Jurymitglied ORCC 2022

“As the largest organ on our planet, the sea needs our attention and, above all, solutions to the major problems of pollution, species extinction and balance. The ORCC offers an ideal platform for experts, idealists and gamechangers to put their heads together! SOS – save our sea .

For more than 10 years, I have been standing up for diversity in the startup eco-system.For this I am using my expertise in Women’s Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education, and Coaching. Despite all business, the HUMAN being is at the center of everything . I support in phases of ideation, business modeling & development as well as networking and storytelling.

Peter Moller Member of the Jury ORCC 2022

“As a member of the jury, I look forward to solutions that
contribute to decarbonization and hopefully quickly
implement. I like to play an active role in this implementation

Professionally, I bring experiences in international business development and investment as well as a corresponding international network.This includes the sectors of: maritime, mechanical engineering, energy efficiency andagricultural technology. I’d like to provide insights, contacts, networking and acceleration.

Alexander Eck Jurymitglied ORCC 2022

“Fresh water, fresh wind and fresh technology ideas – all the best ingredients from Schleswig-Holstein to make the Ocean Re-CreationChallenge a reality. I look forward to forward-looking solutions for the important tasks of our time.”

I have extensive management experience in information technology as founder, board member and strategic advisor. I have successfully adjusted strategies of a number of companies and also sold some of them. Today, as an M&A advisor, I focus on the acquisition and value creation of technology companies.

Axel Koch Member of th eJury ORCC 2022

“I’m really looking forward to many new creative ideas and will try to share my experience with the participants, especially with regard to business models
and help with financing issues.”

I am  head of the Transfer division at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität and am deputy chairman of the TransferAllianz, the German umbrella organisation for knowledge and technology transfer. I am an expert for patents and licensing and have  founding experience in the life sciences sector. For more than 15 years, I have been advising founders, especially with regard to their business models and the search for investors.

Ute Brönner Jurymitglied ORCC 2022

“As a member of the jury, I look forward to sharing in the creativity of the Hackathon participants. I am passionate about the topic “Sustainable Future of the Oceans” and I am convinced that every small contribution on a local level is a start to solve the big challenges of our time. The oceans are the most important part of our habitat.”

I am a member of the Ocean Data Coordination Group of the UN Decade, manage the work package on pilots in the EU project Iliad, one of the projects implementing the EU digital twins of the Seas, and manage TURTLE, a UN Decade project on interoperability of digital twins of the seas. After a year as a visiting researcher in the Smart Ocean Technologies research group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, I am back at SINTEF Ocean in Trondheim (Norway) to continue my work on sustainability, marine technology and the digitalisation of the oceans. I am happy to contribute with my knowledge to digital solutions around marine data.

Dr. Steffen Knodt Member of theJury ORCC 2022

“The ocean is of enormous importance to us on Earth because it regulates the climate and slows down global warming. The impacts of climate change on the oceans and coastal regions are severe and we need to act urgently to improve the situation in the seas. I am therefore very pleased to support the ORCC again this year with the GMT to bring forward new ideas for greater sustainability.”

I have been working in technology and innovation for about 25 years in various companies and start-ups and have focused on impact venturing as a venture client in the field of decarbonisation for the last few years. Besides my current role at Fraunhofer as Head of the Centre of Sustainable Ocean Business, I am an Advisor for the BlueTech startup platform SeaAhead and a Mentor in Accelerator programmes. As co-organiser of SEADEVCON, I look after the topic of Ocean Impact. I am currently on the board of the German Committee for the UN Decade of Marine Research for Sustainable Development and a long-standing member of the board of the Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik e.V. (GMT).

Franziska Stalf Member of the Jury ORCC 2022

“I hope to get a lot of innovative thinking, new acquaintances and a week full of creative collaboration from ORCC. Together we can make the region smart! I wish the teams well and am excited to see the solutions!”

I have been working in the field of digital product development for 6 years now. I have already worn various hats: From product owner in corporate digitisation, to being a founder, to programme manager Smart City, it’s all been there. In recent years, my focus has steadily shifted towards my passion for coastal and marine protection, thus combining my private interests with my professional career. As a member of the jury, I am happy to represent the region and am also available as a contact person on the topics of Design Thinking and Lean Startup.

Dr. Regine Labrenz Member of the Jury ORCC 2022

“As a member of the jury, I look forward to supporting th ideas and teams…”

I have been a technology transfer officer at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde (IOW) for over 10 years. Having trained as a natural scientist, here at IOW I am directly at the interface between the often basic-oriented research at IOW and the application by both society and industry. Coastal and marginal seas are our main research areas and thus we are strongly involved in the topics of this year’s ORCC. Since last year, I have been working intensively in the future cluster OTC-Rostock, which is also about promoting technologies for the sustainable use of the oceans and advancing Germany as a location in this field.